Here you know about Tooth Crowning and Methods

Here you know about Tooth Crowning and Methods

Tooth coating;

It is called covering the teeth with certain materials and bridges. This process;

It is made for functional or aesthetic purposes. In cases where it is not done for aesthetic purposes; It can be used in many procedures

related to dental caries, broken tooth filling, tooth extraction and treatment of cavities in the mouth, and in short, tooth correction

Dental coatings,

which are one of the most important building blocks of preventive dentistry; In cases where it is made for functional purposes; If there is a missing tooth, if this area cannot be treated with implants, the teeth on the right and left are reduced according to certain principles and a bridge is performed. This is a coating process. If there is a lot of substantial loss in the teeth or very large fractures and

If there are abrasions, they can also be measured

and coated in order to protect and strengthen the function of the teeth. These coating processes can also be done for aesthetic purposes, as we mentioned. If there is an excessive discoloration in the teeth or serious problems in their forms, the coating can also be made in this case. In this case, different techniques are applied according to the case.

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What are the types of tooth coating?

The methods used in tooth coating procedures differ depending on the case. After the dentist has told the appropriate techniques, the patient can also make his choice in this sense. The important thing here is; All coating techniques are explained to the patient in detail and the patient is informed.

– Porcelain laminate veneers

– Empress (full porcelain) coating

– Zirconium coating

– Metal supported coating

How is it applied?

Dental coating methods are decided by the dentist by researching the most suitable method for the patient after the necessary analysis. The most applied tooth coating techniques at the moment are; They are metal- supported, zirconium, non-metal- supported, and empress coatings. The most important point of tooth preparation of veneers in turkey; is the method of covering by listening carefully to the patient’s complaints the physician In the next stage, the appropriate coating type is selected based on the tooth structure and applied by a specialist dentist. While applying the tooth coating process, firstly the dentist takes measurements for the whole or the necessary part of the tooth. According to these measurements; Metal studies are made of materials such as supported porcelain, zirconium, porcelain without metal support. The tooth coating process is done in 2-4 sessions. In the treatment, firstly, the teeth are reduced and after the measurements are taken, rehearsals are made. After tooth coating, the teeth may be sensitive to hot and cold for a while This is normal and will disappear in a short time.


A toothbrush is a must in oral care, as it provides mechanical cleaning in oral care and removes plaque, which is the main cause of dental caries and gum diseases, you can optimize your oral care by using the toothbrushes recommended by your dentist, taking into consideration your oral health and needs. Generally, medium-hard toothbrushes are recommended for patients with healthy gums, while soft toothbrushes can be recommended for patients with sensitivity complaints or gum recessions.


As in every subject, there are innovations in oral care products and technology makes its effectiveness in this area more felt day by day. Rechargeable toothbrushes, developed as an alternative to manual toothbrushes with different designs and efficiencies, are increasingly preferred by both patients and physicians, “The rechargeable toothbrush technology with vibrating-rotation movement is manual for removing plaque and reducing gingivitis. There are also studies showing that it is superior to a toothbrush. However, in rechargeable toothbrushes, it is important to choose the brush head to suit the needs of the patient,


” The mechanical cleaning obtained with toothbrushes should also be supported with some chemical agents. The choice of toothpaste should also be determined according to the needs of the patient. Some articles about fluorine in the content of toothpaste used for this purpose, especially on social media, cause confusion. The preventive effect of fluoride on tooth decays is a scientifically proven fact years ago. Surface fluoride applications applied at intervals determined by your physician according to your needs or taken with oral care products do not have negative effects on general body health. It should be noted that with the use of fluorine-free paste, the protection provided by fluorine is deprived ”

The use of appropriate techniques and products in the protection of oral health, which is an important part of body health, is important in optimizing the results to be obtained. Consulting your dentist about the fluoride toothpaste that should be used for this purpose, the appropriate brush type, and design, and the correct brushing techniques is one of the most important steps you can take for your oral health. If you don’t brush your teeth, you may face various dental diseases like calculus bridge, tooth pain and some others that may damage your teeth permanently.