How to Choose the Best Boat Dock Decking Material


Investing in an asset neighboring any type of water surface opens a new world of opportunities. Naturally, the upgrades require additional investments, so the more intel you gather about potential enhancements, the less money you should spend on the venture. When boat docks are concerned, in most cases, you have a couple of options.

To upgrade the existing one or to build a new construction from scratch. One way or another, you will have to do your homework and assess the options regarding materialization. Thus, we kindly suggest you read through the lines below and realize how to choose the best boat dock decking material.

The Skeleton

The Skeleton

Before we continue to tips on how to decide which decking material would suit your wants and needs best, we should draw your attention to the importance of the boat dock frame materialization. The calculus is simple with this one, regardless of whether you want to upgrade the existing structure or build a new one since you have to pick the material that will potentiate both stability and longevity.

The number one pick is the wood and its variations both due to its natural water-absorbing properties and proven endurance. Now, not every woodwork handles the challenges equally, thus, we recommend you focus on types that are most commonly used for similar endeavors. Treated wood or composite decking solutions seem to rate higher than alternatives due to their high water-resistant features.

On the other hand, if you want to ensure your construction stands both the tests of time and endurance, while it keeps the original appearance for ages to come, we recommend you consider aluminum. It might make you reach deeper inside your pocket, but the results will not fail and should pay out in the long run.

The Features

When the overall materialization is concerned, we propose you assess the features a specific material is believed to bring to the table, or, shall we say, boat dock. Jokes aside, one does not usually invest in such a venture daily. Thus, if you have decided to spend a small fortune on the endeavor, you might also want to analyze what you receive for the buck you are willing to spend.

The Wood

The Wood

As we have already mentioned, an overwhelming majority prefer opting for natural wood. What we should underline is that natural oils and innate resistance to decay make wood a perfect choice for decking a boat dock, especially if you maintain it regularly. Unquestionably, some types work better than the rest, thus, we suggest you focus on teak and white oak if you want to do the proper job.

The alternative option implies you opt for softwood. Not only is it the cheaper option, but it will deliver seemingly similar results as more quality variants. In that case, we suggest you focus on variants that contain a higher concentration of heartwood than sapwood, due to insect repellent qualities.

Mini Mesh Grating

Your boat dock must be layered with anti-slip coverage for several reasons. In a nutshell, the surroundings are wet, and where is water there are also favorable conditions for slipping.

Mini mesh gratings are perfect for boat dock decking since their materialization implies combining state-of-the-art components with a perfect design. The grating does not allow the water to accumulate and prevents the formation of puddles.

On the other hand, the meshy structure allows one not to worry about potential instability and provides ideal conditions regardless of weather conditions. You can find additional info on the subject at

Treated Wood

Treated Wood

For the ones who desire to craft a dream-like boat deck, but have to work within a limited budget, we propose you consider treated wood as a material of choice. On one hand, it will appear as if it was the real deal, and will also repel the insects since the material is treated with specific chemicals.

On the other, you would have to devote much more of your time to its maintenance, since the treated wood does not work well when wood decay is in question. The solution lies in treating your structure with protective layers several times a year and replacing the worn-out parts with new ones as soon as they appear. Otherwise, the condition of your deck would only deteriorate in time.


Aluminum is a light material and will last for ages, but will hardly keep its original appearance if you are not careful with it. Even though this type of materialization requires the least maintenance and is not prone to decay, the aluminum deck will struggle with potential impacts and will deviate over time.

Another downside regarding aluminum reflects in its tendency to heat up easily. Rust will become your sworn enemy, but the issue can easily be dealt with if you use an anti-rust coating.

Composite Decking

Composite Decking

One of the most popular materials, when boat decks are concerned, is composite decking. The materialization implies using both plastic and natural elements, which gives you both the organic appearance and durability. It does not require much to sustain its original look even though one does not have to maintain it as much as they would have to if they opted for alternative solutions.

The negative features imply overheating when under the long hours of sunshine and complicated setting up due to the heaviness of building blocks.

Polyvinyl Chloride

Yes, you can construct a PVC boat dock, regardless of how silly it might sound. If you do not mind having your dock made completely from artificial materials then this option might deliver precisely what the doctor ordered. Do not worry about the appearance, since state-of-the-art solutions allow the users to enjoy the almost indistinguishable experience from natural wood role models.

What might draw your attention to PVC docks, even more, is the fact that you would not have to move a finger when maintenance is concerned. The only effort you would have to make is to wash it off from time to time to get rid of potentially accumulated dirt, and even that is optional.

Hopefully, the aforementioned pieces of information and suggestions will help you decide which type of materialization would suit your wants and needs best. Bear in mind that one does not construct a boat dock daily, so do your homework and assess your options thoroughly before rushing to seemingly auspicious conclusions.