How to Increase Sale for A Wholesale Perfume Business?


In 2012, 5.2 billion perfume products were sold in the USA alone. That number has only increased over the years. If you are considering opening a wholesale perfume business, your first step is to create a perfume line. After that, you should focus on making selling strategies for your business.

Many wholesalers start a perfume business, but only a few of them happen to establish a successful company. This is because not all wholesalers use effective strategies to increase their sales.

Here we have gathered some tips and guidelines to increase sales for your wholesale perfume business.

So, shall we start?

Tips to Increase Sales for Wholesale Perfume Business

  1. Create Online Visibility

These days your company does not exist if you do not have a website or social media handle.

Getting online visibility for your product and company is essential to make your wholesale business successful.

First, you should create a website and use several selling platforms to reach your customers.

Also, you should use social media networks for marketing.

Selling wholesale perfume online can also help you:

  • Connect with your customers.
  • Hear and resolve your customers’ complaints more effectively.
  • Introduce new products to your target audience.
  • Increase your sales and customers.
  1. Use Advanced Marketing Tools

Besides making your company visible online, you should use the latest marketing tools to boost your wholesale perfume sales.

Some of the most effective marketing strategies include content marketing and email marketing.

To implement these strategies, use search engine optimization and email marketing tools

Remember, before implementing marketing strategies, you should define your customers know their preferences. Only then you can convince your customers to purchase your perfumes.

To know about your customers, you can use tools like Google Analytics. It will help you get information about the most popular products. It will also let you know which demographic is the most interested in your product.

  1. Offer Samples

Another way to increase your wholesale perfume sales is by providing perfume samples to different retail shops. You can offer testers directly to the consumers or shops.

By offering samples, you will also know if your product is well-received by your target audience.

  1. Offer Discounts and Deals

If you want to increase your wholesale perfume sales fast, consider offering discounts and deals to your customers. It is one of the most effective marketing strategies to increase customers and sales.

Besides low wholesale rates, you can offer several kinds of discounts to your customers such as:

  • Special discount to customers on their first order.
  • Low product rates for large orders
  • Introducing a referral system and giving your customers a discount for referring your product to others.

You can also keep a point system to encourage customers to repurchase from your company. It works by adding points to the customer’s profile on each purchase. Once the points reach a certain limit, the customer can avail of a big discount or a gift with the next order.

Recommendation: 8 Effective strategies to increase sales with email marketing

Final Thought

Unlike other wholesale businesses, it is a little bit tricky to achieve your sales goal in the wholesale perfume industry.

You can only establish a successful perfume company if you go for the right marketing strategies. We hope that the tips and strategies mentioned above will help you increase your wholesale perfume sales. Do let us know which technique worked out best for you. Good luck and stay safe.